Monday, February 22, 2010

The World In Our Backyard!

Today our students had the chance to take part in a program about Africa.  The kids were able to dress up in African clothing and play instruments from Africa as well as learn about the animals and people that live there.  The students had a wonderful time as you can probably tell from the pictures!  This Friday will be the end of our Africa unit where we will have our African marketplace!  We are still in need of starburst if you are able to send some in with your child!  We hope you enjoy the pictures from this wonderful experience.
We got to see many pictures of life in Africa

Each one of the students got to get dressed up and the kids loved it!
Cedrionna showed us how African girls would get water each day and carry it on their head in a gourd...she is concentrating very hard!

Then it was time to get in a circle and play music and do some dancing!  Nicholas and Kamran got to dance with some of the African masks that they brought!

Everyone loved playing the drums and other instruments.
Even Ms. Suarez and I got to join in on the fun and dance around the circle!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

All Sorts of Shapes!

In math the last few weeks we have been learning all about shapes!  The kids have been having a great time with their math centers and are really showing their creative sides.  Here are some pictures from our math centers last week!
Mirian, Rashel, & Danyelle made some great shape creations out of the book Shape Space!
Everyone in the class really enjoyed getting to spend time on the computer with our new math program!

Jaqueline, Maria and Pedro also had fun with our new geoboards.  They took rubber bands and stretched them out to make some great shapes!

Last but definitely not least we love making play-doh shapes!

100 Days Of School!

I am a little bit late with these pictures but a few weeks ago we celebrated our 100th day of school!  Here are some pictures of the wonderful homework projects that everyone brought in!
Tyler's 100 pennies!
Danyelle's 100 things
Rashel's 100 stars
Jaqueline's 100 cheerios!
Nicholas's 100 noodles!
Jamirah's 100 Fruit Loops!
Pedro's 100 pieces of food!
Kamran's 100 pieces of cereal!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Our Chinese New Year Parade!

Today we celebrated Chinese New Year at our school.  Each kindergarten class was a different animal and we paraded around the school!  The kids had a great time!
Our class was the rabbits and the kids made beautiful rabbit faces and tails in art class!
Here we go hopping down the hallway!